
Niekoľko veršov v angličtine

Také dve z dvetisícehodruhého roku...

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Diskusia  (1)

Bus The Second

Comin’ up high my fucked up mind
leavin’ this well know town
I wonder where all these people go
and where they long to go.
I smell the quiet and so the dark
is easily getting down my throat
and all the creatures gazing out
I’ve never been scared of, no,
indeed I might say I like them…
See what they all have to say
at their home base!?
Just feel!

Last Night

Queer and disgusted I feel
seein’ the ones that
know what I mean
and yet I don’t understand them.

The theatre of forgotten evolution
makes me sick
thinking I see them
more sober than myself!

Jakub Turčan

Jakub Turčan

  • Počet článkov:  15
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  • Páči sa:  0x

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